Event Booking Link
Event Location
Lawson Creek, just a 10-minute drive from Mudgee near Gawthorne Bridge.
Landcare Region
BCT Region
Event Description
Hosted by Watershed Landcare
CREEK FEAST is an exciting event bringing together experts, landholders and the community to explore the fascinating realms of local biodiversity and riparian ecosystems. Tickets include a local feast and access to fascinating workshops, walks and talks on the beautiful banks of Lawson Creek.
Lunch catering by Soul Mama's Catering featuring local produce
The location is a picturesque stretch of Lawson Creek, just a 10-minute drive from Mudgee near Gawthorne Bridge.
Guest Speakers & Exhibitors:
- Welcome to Country by Aleshia Lonsdale - Local Aboriginal Land Council
- Tiffany Mason - Biodiversity Conservation Trust
- Josh Frappell 'The Regenerative' - Ridge to River Hydration
- eDNA testing workshop sponsored by Enviro DNA Plus results reveal for testing done in Lawson Creek
- Emma Syme from North East Wiradjuri Company - Reading the Landscape
- Dr. Kellie Leigh - Science for Wildlife, Koalas of Lue & Detection Dog demonstration
- Dr. Laura Fisher of the Mulloon Institute and KSCA, Water on Silk Japanese Dyeing Workshop
- Mudgee District Environment Group - Exhibit and display
- Mick Boller - Stories of Lue's Koalas
- Kandos School of Cultural Adaptation (KSCA) -Transformative Collaborations
- Uncle Peter Swain - Stories from Before 'Lawson Creek'
- Dr Sean Graham from OzFish - Fish Habitat Restoration
- David Ward - Fisheries Department of NSW Exhibit
- Georgie Pollard - Participatory Artwork display 'Tributary (what we cannot repay)'
- Capertee Valley Soaps - Market Stall
- Gus Armstrong & Peter Swain debut showing of their collaborative video work 'Creek Dreaming'
- Marie's Bakehouse - Gluten Free & Vegetarian homemade pastries for sale
- Elephant Mountain Wines - Wine Tastings & Sales
Event Topics
Event Flyer

Event Photos

Event Outcomes
Number of Attendees
Event Outcome
Partnering with the NSW Biodiversity conservation Trust
A video captured the day
Survey feedback
- Location on site was perfect The content of various presenters and gov departments was thoughtfully selected for the event and the small bites of information and rotation through the site made day enjoyable as well as informative
- some things needed more time
- A variety of presentations, stalls and people. An excellent location. Perfect weather.
- Talks could have been an extra 10 minutes for question time
- Talks and presentations encouraged questions and discussions making it appropriate formost knowledge levels
The Festival atmosphere generated a very social vibe for the event
- 10 local stall holders
- 2 repeated concurrent sessions were held in the morning and afternoon providing opportunity for attendees to attend multiple workshops
- Good partnerships make for good events e.g Waterwatch
- Food was a high cost, often food is a social glue and appreciated as well as an attendance incentive
- The April event kicked off volunteer engagement for the year, an opportunity for idea gathering and areas of interest to follow up
- Great event for bringing new people into the Landcare network
- It will become a regular event