Event Type
Landcare Region
BCT Region
Would you like to improve the natural habitats on your property? Join us for an information packed morning at Mitchells Island!
The workshop will include:
• A tour of a completed MEMS Riparian Vegetation Improvement project with LLS Officers.
• Weed ID and control techniques for common weeds including Sharp Rush (Juncus acutus), Groundsel Bush and Camphor laurel with Mid Coast 2 Tops Officer, Isabelle Strachan.
• A presentation on improving saltmarsh and mangroves.
• Free resources including a tree species list specific for lowland properties.
Morning tea provided, BYO chair
Event Topics
Event Outcomes
The event at Mitchell's Island was coordinated by LLS, and I attended and presented information about Coastal Wetlands, PLC options for landholders and the benefits of PLC. LLS did a mail out for the event, I emailed my network, with a link to the registration pages,