Event Type
Event Location
Landcare Region
BCT Region
Event Description
One day event at Moree on a PLC holder property or nearby and a paddock walk. Focus on Yellow Mimosa, Africa Boxthorn and Harrisia Cactus
- D. Boschma. LLS Team Leader Land Management/Northwest. Discussed Mimosa legislation
- L.Biddle. Moree Plains Shire Council. Biosecurity Officer. Boxthorn and Mimosa control
Harissa Cactu event , subjects and speakers
- D. Bancroft. NSLA Harrisia Catus Project Officer Harrisia – Identification, the risks and benefit of community engagement
- R.Doyle. Harrisia – The affect to farming, costs both financially and emotionally.
Event Topics
Event Photos

Event Outcomes
Number of Attendees
Event Outcome
10 attendees, printed resources were handed out, 8 x BCT surveys filled out.