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Event Location
Burrumbuttock farm

Landcare Region

BCT Region

Event Description
WHL.3: Sowing the Seeds of Biodiversity field day on-farm . Fully catered picnic lunch for 20 people on farm , include on-site service and clean-up and coffee/tea station. Aim: improving the condition of our remnant Grassy Woodlands patches. An on-farm event to build on our remnant Grassy Woodlands project sites and biodiversity education. We will focus on techniques to improve the ground cover layer with activities around plant propagation (each participant taking home a tray of ground cover plants they have propagated themselves), pollinators (value for Grassy Woodlands and production), management techniques etc.
 Venue: Farm in West Hume area. 
Audience: Landholders with remnant Grassy Woodland on their property:
 Speakers: TBC + Judy Frankenberg & Sue Rose (Wirraminna), Tash Lappin (MLLS) + Lou Bull (WHL)
West Hume Landcare

Techniques to improve the condition of your grassy woodland groundcover.

What have you got?
Martin Driver will teach us how to assess the condition of your remnant patch and practical tips to improve it.

How do you improve?
Tash Lappin from LLS Seed Services will teach us about the art of direct seeding and other emerging techniques for adding plant diversity. 

Sow the seeds for tomorrow.
Go home with local seeds you sow and grow that have been collected and prepared by Sue Rose and Judy Frankenberg.

For more information contact

Lou 0458 240 634

Event Flyer
Event details
Event Outcomes
Number of Attendees
Number of Landowners
Growth in learning measure (Scale 1 - 100)
A survey is completed by each attendee The below fields are extracted from this survey. To access the full feedback survey please refer to the attachments section below.
Attendee Level of Knowledge before event (Average)
Attendee Level of Knowledge after event (Average)
Event Outcome

Event Feedback

What did you like about the event?- Practical

  • This was a great way of interacting with experts and those on the ground.
  • Seasonally relevant, social, interesting
  • So much chat among the participants, Networking with other people
  • All topics worked well, informal, range of speakers,The access to professional and grass roots.
  • The location and what has been done at the location, The site selection, venue and crowd
  • Walk & Talk - very practical rather than theoretical, esp the seed sowing
  • The seed production area
  • Practical hands-on advice, Specific, practical information

What do you want to learn next?- ID

  • How to scale up biodiversity enhancement
  • Species ID
  • Managing native groundcovers
  • How to implement seed collection
  • Better knowledge of different native grasses
  • More about local provenance
  • How seed supply is changing
  • Other local sites

Any other comments/suggestions for improvement?

  • It was great, excellent food, well run, and kept moving through at a good pace
  • Perhaps holding on a weekend so working people can attend. Advertising on local community news and FB pages
  • All excellent. Hands-on seed sowing was very informative . Thanks to all involved!
  • Tour of a range of local sites
  • More seeds to select from
Event Outcome Attachments
Attachment Size
241031 Murray Sowing the seeds_web.pdf (123.85 KB) 123.85 KB