Event Type
Landcare Region
BCT Region
Hunter Region Landcare Network presents an interactive workshop for you to learn about creating specific native fauna habitat requirements.
Hear about the current research on hollows versus nestboxes. See a range of pre-carved examples of both hollows and hollow entrance styles.
There will be a carving demonstration and Q and A.
Learn how this can augment habitat for native fauna on your property.
This event is sponsored by the Private Land Conservation Matters Program. A joint initiative of the Biodiversity Conservation Trust and Landcare NSW.
Lunch is included. Individual members of Hunter Region Landcare Network are eligible for free tickets. To join our network please visit our website and join before returning to Humanitix to purchase your ticket: Register - Hunter Region Landcare Network (hunterlandcare.org.au)

Event Outcomes
Attendee feedback
What did you like about the event?
Presentation Quality
The presentation was well presented, clearly demonstrated, and full of entertaining and information-rich content. Attendees appreciated the practical demonstrations and the focus on wildlife habitat, particularly the number of hollows used by Australian wildlife. Overall, the presentation was seen as marvelously informative, with plenty of good information shared.
The enthusiasm of the presenter, Matt, was highly appreciated, with several attendees noting his knowledge and passion for the subject. His engagement with the attendees added a positive dynamic to the session, making the experience even more enjoyable.
Content and Information
The content was highly valued for its informative nature, especially regarding wildlife habitat and the number of hollows used by Australian wildlife. The options presented during the session were well received, and the demonstrations helped to reinforce the information shared.
Venue and Location
The venue, along with the day, time, and location, were well-received by attendees, contributing to a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.
The interactions among attendees and with the presenter were positively noted, enhancing the overall experience and making the session more engaging.
What do you want to learn next?
Attendees expressed interest in a variety of topics for future learning. A key area of interest is matching species to their specific habitats, with some wanting to focus on particular species groups and conservation practices. There is also a desire for practical follow-up options, such as how to implement these practices in their local environments, including creating hollows in trees as part of community projects like Paxton Tidy Towns bush regeneration.
Additionally, there is curiosity about other biodiversity ideas, such as cultural cool burns, tree boring for hollow creation, and building insect hotels. Some attendees are keen to learn "everything," with a particular interest in teaching wildlife knowledge to others. Finally, there was a request for the name of an arborist, indicating a need for professional guidance in these areas.
Hollow Hog trained arborists
As promised, Matt Stephens (hollowhog.com.au) has provided some details of arborists that you can get in contact with if you are interested in having some hollows installed at your place.
Phone: +61 (0)418 295 365
Email: info@hollowhog.com.au
'Below are a range of arborists and ecologists in the local area that will be able to provide hollow installation services. I am also always happy to be involved and ready to add some knowledge based on a wide selection of projects that I’ve personally run and others were I’ve been able to help with the role out and design of a program
Sam Hardingham
0431 191 097
Corey Mead
0401 557 882
TreeHouse Ecology Pty Ltd
Luke Wagland
0422 054 637
Wild Treecare
0448 755 039
Kai Wild
Ian Benson
Director & Principal Ecologist Anderson Environment and Planning
0420 624 707 ian@andersonep.com.au